
Showing posts from 2017

Term 4 week 1 blog post

My holiday Recount On the first day, I woke up at 6:30 because my body wasn’t used to sleeping in. After that, I woke up later but still early enough to watch TV. On Saturday, we went to Tauranga, and Pukekohe the next day, and Hamilton on Monday. It was a tiring weekend because we went home at 10:30 at night and we hadn’t eaten dinner, and we had to wake up at 7 the next day-Torture! I liked the garage sale, because I got a new hat. The next day I got glue with my own money so I could make slime so I could sell it.

Term 3 Week 6 Blog Post

I think we should start school at 10:00am, because I always have to wake up at 6:30 am, and it’s torture. Also, we’ll have maths for 20 mins, and then 1 hour of morning tea! Then 30 mins of writing, 20 mins of science, 30 mins in the playground, 40 mins of reading, and 1 hour of lunch time! 2:30-2:50 would be free time, and 2:50-3:00 would be pack up, and it’s home time! I would leave out Wednesday Whirlpool, Idrive and Discovery, because I’m planning a Thursday. I want to add science, because science is really important as it explains a lot of things. I think we should have a real scientist to help in science, so we don’t need to look for websites and books. 10:00-10:10 Roll/Notices and jump jam 10:10-10:30 Maths 10:30-11:30 Morning tea 11:30-12:00 Writing 12:00-12:20 Science 12:20-12:50 Brain break(time at the playground, in summer, free time at the pool!) 12:50-1:30 Reading 1:30-2:30 Lunch time 2:30-2:50 Free time 2:50-3:00 Pack u...

Term 3 Week 5 Blog Post

I really enjoyed doing stop motion, because Ashlee and I were making a commercial about invisible spray, which was quite fun to film because it was all green screened. The challenging thing was, that we haven’t finished yet, because we were editing it, and the green screen didn’t work. Mrs Harris said she’ll ask Mr Singh. I want to introduce a new iDrive workshop on DIYs, and we get to plan what we’re making. I want this to be an actual workshop, because everyone won’t just do a specific one like box modeling, and I think it’s a great idea, so maybe one group makes a simple device that waters the plants by itself, and the next one makes foot rests for the teachers! See? Completely different!

Term 3 Week 4 Blog Post

My chosen quotes Source Author: Unknown I think this quote is really inspiring to me because it tells me that if I have a really bad day, there’s something good to it. It also means (I think) that you may be having a bad day, but you should be thankful that you’re actually having a day. And maybe, it may also mean that you may be having a bad day for a reason. This quote is relatable for me, because I’ve had some pretty bad days where I actually learn a lesson. Source Author: William Shakespeare  ↧Keep on reading!↧ I like this quote because it relates to me, because it doesn’t mean that just because you’re small, everyone could boss you around, and that you could stand up for yourself.  I first saw this quote in my Beauty and the Beast Write, Inspire and Create book, and I was really happy about this quote.

My Blog Post Term 3 Week 2

My Hobby (AKA Badminton) The reason I love Badminton is because it’s not just a stay in one place sport like golf, because you actually have to chase the shuttlecock. I’ve been playing this with my family and friends since I was 5, because we found a set in our house (it was quite old!). In Badminton, the aim of the game is to hit the shuttlecock back, and not miss it. Tennis and Badminton are similar, but they aren’t the same thing. Tennis has a tennis ball, and Badminton has a shuttlecock. A tennis racket is thicker, because a tennis ball is heavier than a shuttlecock.

Holiday Recount Term 3 week 1

My Holiday My holiday wasn’t a trip or anything, but it sure was fun! In the first week, I woke up really early. I watched a total of 5 movies - Cinderella (2015), Cinderella 2, Cinderella 3, Alice Through the Looking Glass, and Rise of the Guardians (yep, they’re all old movies. Nothing new.). The holidays was also a time to have family friends over, because we just moved to a new house. We only ever went  to somewhere far away once, which was Hamilton (yes, it wasn’t that far away!). I think my highlight was slime making, because we kept on failing but never gave up. Then there was a miracle. We threw out our failed liquid slime (it doesn’t look anything like slime), then the next day, white flowers grew in the exact spot that we threw them in (reminds me of the poppies in ANZAC). Before that happened, we called it the white garden. It’s surprising that flowers actually grew there, because borax (AKA sodium tetraborate) can also be a plant killer. Failed liquid slime could...

Blog Post week 6

My learning So far, this term I have discovered how to divide numbers including decimal numbers. At first, I had no idea how it works. Now, I know how it works so much that I tell my friends about it. My ‘aha’ moment was that I was getting no more than 3 wrong in AWS. My next goal is to get all of them right. I’ve tried something new by trying to figure out what LCD means in MDR.  

My buddy 2017

                          Selfie with my buddy on 2017! I am sooooo excited to be yr6 this year because I looked up to camp, and being a yr6 means you have to be responsible-which I am.