
My Goals

What are your Numeracy and Literacy goals for the term? What other goals do you have? Are you on track to achieve your goals? What do you need to do achieve your goals? What has been your favourite part of the year so far and what are you looking forward to this term?

My numeracy goals are:

  • To learn Roman numerals by heart without a cheat sheet in MDR.
  • To learn how to measure centimetres properly with a ruler in AWS.
  • To learn whole number fractions properly in MDR.

My writing goals are:

  • Write blog posts without capitalization and punctuation errors.

  • Improve sloping, letter sizes and spaces in handwriting.

  • Get to level 3 or 4 in my writing matrix  by using speech marks correctly.

My personal goals:

  • Try to beat my time for at least 2 minutes in the block run.

  • Do my best in my speech and reach the Hauraki Plains event.

Yes, I am on track on my goals because I am trying my very best to achieve my goals.

So far, my favourite part of the year was the movie day. I hope I find a new favourite moment.

I am really looking forward to the “Learning In The Making” conference because I am thinking of running a workshop about sculpting with clay. I am also looking forward to seeing the choices and how the day goes.


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