Workshop Wednesday - I had lots of fun in the first workshop Wednesday and I'm thrilled to know we are having another one next week. Sophie and I had lots of fun with our pictionary and scavenger hunt. Blogging Challenge - I loved the blogging challenge as my blog never really gets updated, and I got 21(ish) new posts from it! Chapter Chat - Chapter Chat is one of my favorite experiences because we get to read a book, and we also get to choose fun things! Mangahigh - Mangahigh is very amazing. You get to do maths games and quizzes. I prefer to do the quizzes. Moana Reading - I love Moana reading as we can help the Moana Nui kids develop their reading skills.
Computer from 1985 (when my parents were my age) While Charles Baggage created the very first mechanical computer in 1840, Konrad Zuse made the very first programmable computer called the Z3 in 1941. The mechanical computer was made in England, and the programmable one was in Germany Computers became famous because they were marketed for people who weren't that "techy". How has it changed over time? Compared to the earlier computers, the computers got thinner, lighter, and easier to carry throughout the years.
Wow that must have been interesting being at the pools with that weather! I hope you had a lovely birthday party.